Installation Instructions
1. Setup Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster
Supported version of Kubernetes: 1.21 and later. We recommend AWS (EKS) or Google Cloud (GKE), but you can install it on a standalone cluster as well. |
Define your cluster size considering the following minimum requirements and your business needs:
1. Minimal requirements for the Catalyst Blockchain Manager Canton service for 1 instance with:
2 core CPU
10GB disk space
2. Each node (Domain, participant, or application) that will be deployed consumes additional resources. Minimal requirements for one node:
Node |
CPUe |
Memory, Gi |
Storage, Gi |
Domain |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Participant |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Application |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Deciding on the size of the cluster, please consider the expected load of the nodes and increase these values accordingly. |
2. Install Helm to your workstation
Installation manuals:
No customization is needed.
Supported version of Helm: 3.*. |
3. Install Traefik ingress
The ingress-controller is needed for traffic routing to expose nodes (domains & applications). The Catalyst Blockchain Manager Canton service creates a CRD resource (IngressRoute in case of using Traefik), that is automatically started and deleted along with each application (and on demand for domains).
Installation manuals:
No customization is needed, the default port ( :443 ) for HTTPS traffic will be used.
We recommend installing Traefik to a separate namespace from the application (creation of a namespace for the Catalyst Blockchain Manager Canton service is described in step 6). |
Supported version of Traefik: 2.3. |
4. Install cert-manager to create TLS certificate
TLS certificate is needed for secured communication between a User and the Сatalyst Blockchain Manager Canton service components.
Installation manuals:
We recommend using the last release of the official helm chart.
You can skip this step and specify your TLS certificate and key as a Kubernetes secret in Helm chart values instead later (Helm chart values are described in the Setup section). You can find the manual on how to create a Kubernetes secret here: |
5. Create an A-record in a zone in your domain’s DNS management panel and assign it to the load balancer created upon Traefik or OpenShift installation
Catalyst Blockchain Manager Canton service needs a wildcard record *.<domain>
to expose nodes.
All created nodes (domains, participants, applications) will have a <NodeName>.<domainName>
For example, in case you are using AWS, follow these steps:
Go to the Route53 service.
Create a new domain or choose the existing domain.
Create an A record.
Switch “alias” to ON.
In the “Route traffic to” field select “Alias to application and classic load balancer.”
Select your region (where the cluster is installed).
Select an ELB balancer from the drop-down list.*
*Choose the ELB balancer, which was automatically configured upon the Traefik chart installation as described in step 3 (or upon OpenShift installation in case of using OpenShift). You can check the ELB by the following command:
kubectl get svc -n ${ingress-namespace}
where ${ingress-namespace}
— the name of the namespace, where the ingress was installed.
ELB is displayed in the _EXTERNAL-IP
6. Create a namespace for the Catalyst Blockchain Manager Canton service application
kubectl create ns ${ns_name}
where ${ns_name}
— name of namespace (can be any).
7.1 Get the credentials to the Helm repository in the JFrog artifactory provided by the IntellectEU admin team
7.2 Add the repo to Helm with the username and password provided:
helm repo add catbp <> --username ${ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME} --password ${ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD}
As a result: "catbp" has been added to your repositories
8. Create an ImagePullSecret to access the Catalyst Blockchain Manager Canton service deployable images
For example, create this Secret, naming it intellecteu-jfrog-access:
kubectl create secret intellecteu-jfrog-access regcred --docker-username=${your-name} --docker-password=${your-password} --docker-email=${your-email} -n ${ns_name}
${your-name} _
- your Docker username. -
${your-password} _
— your Docker password. -
— your Docker email. -
— the namespace created for the Catalyst Blockchain Manager Canton service on the previous step.
In case you want to use a readiness check and use a private repository for the image, you should create a “secret” file with your credentials in Kubernetes for further specifying it in the Helm chart upon Catalyst Blockchain Manager installation. Please refer to the official Kubernetes documentation: Helm chart configuration instructions you will find here. |
9. Setup Keycloak realm or Auth0 tenant
For Keycloak
Download the realm.json file and import it to create necessary clients, scopes & users in your keycloak realm.
User roles |
After creating realm, set url and realm name in helm values. |
For Keycloak Auth0 tenant
If you want to enable Auth0 as an option for ledger authentication, set up a tenant.
After creating tenant, make sure set 'enabled', domain, api id, client id and client secret in helm values. |
(Optional) 10. Setup Monitoring & Dashboard
The installation of the Catalyst Blockchain Manager Canton service includes templates to assist monitoring. If you use graphana, to observe the metrics of all nodes, install the kube-prometheus-stack on your cluster.
Once installed, configure Keycloak OAuth2 authentication on Grafana following the detailed steps provided in the Grafana documentation
This file is a default dashboard that can be imported in Grafana.
After configuring Grafana, make sure set 'url' & 'clusterDashboard' in the Grafana section in helm values. |
11. Enter License Key
Request a license key and set it in helm values.
Configure helm chart values
The full list of the helm chart values
# -- address where application will be hosted.
domainName: ""
enabled: true
## -- Keycloak is enabled by default. Additional configuration of keycloakUrl and keycloakRealm values is needed
enabled: true
keycloakUrl: ""
keycloakRealm: ""
## -- Configure values below only if keycloak.enabled=false
## -- OpenID provider endpoint for obtaining an access token
url: ""
## - OpenID client IDs and secret
idApiOperator: "" # client_id for api and operator components
idUI: "" #client_id for ui component
secret: ""
enabled: false # If enabled, will be used instead of 'secret' field
remoteSecretRef: "" # Name of the remote secret
name: "" # SecretStore Name
kind: "SecretStore" # Type of SecretStore ("SecretStore" or "ClusterSecretStore")
# -- Whether to create RBAC Resourses (Role, SA, RoleBinding)
enabled: true
# -- Service Account Name to use for api, ui, operator
serviceAccountName: canton-console
# -- Automount API credentials for a Service Account.
automountServiceAccountToken: false
# operator component values
# -- number of operator pods to run
replicaCount: 1
# -- operator image settings
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# defaults to appVersion
tag: ""
# -- operator image pull secrets
- name: intellecteu-gitlab-access
# -- extra env variables for operator pods
extraEnv: {}
# -- labels for operator pods
labels: {}
# -- annotations for operator pods
podAnnotations: {}
# -- Automount API credentials for a Service Account.
automountServiceAccountToken: true
# -- security context on a pod level
# runAsNonRoot: true
# runAsUser: 4444
# runAsGroup: 5555
# fsGroup: 4444
# -- security context on a container level
securityContext: {}
# Define update strategy for Operator pods
updateStrategy: {}
# -- CPU and Memory requests and limits
resources: {}
# requests:
# cpu: "200m"
# memory: "500Mi"
# limits:
# cpu: "500m"
# memory: "700Mi"
# -- Specify Node Labels to place operator pods on
nodeSelector: {}
# --
tolerations: []
# --
affinity: {}
# -- keycloak client secret is used to get token from keycloak
# -- Can be fetched from ExternalSecret or provided directly in the 'secret' field
secret: "" # Keycloak client secret
enabled: false # If enabled, will be used instead of 'secret' field
remoteSecretRef: "" # Name of the remote secret
name: "" # SecretStore Name
kind: "SecretStore" # Type of SecretStore ("SecretStore" or "ClusterSecretStore")
## Readiness and Liveness probes for Operator component
## Ref:
# -- Enable Kubernetes Liveness and Readiness probes
enabled: true
# -- Liveness probe for Operator container
# -- Number of seconds after the container has started before probe is initiated
initialDelaySeconds: 60
# -- How often (in seconds) to perform the probe
periodSeconds: 10
# -- Number of seconds after which the probe times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# -- Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# -- Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded
failureThreshold: 3
# -- Readiness probe for Operator container
# -- Number of seconds after the container has started before probe is initiated
initialDelaySeconds: 40
# -- How often (in seconds) to perform the probe
periodSeconds: 10
# -- Number of seconds after which the probe times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# -- Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# -- Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded
failureThreshold: 5
# API component values
# -- the persistence volume claim for DARs
enabled: true
size: 5Gi
mountPath: /dars-storage
# If defined, storageClassName: <storageClass>
# If undefined, no storageClassName spec is set, choosing the default provisioner. (gp2 on AWS, standard on GKE, AWS & OpenStack)
storageClass: ""
# Annotations for darsPvc
# Example:
# annotations:
annotations: {}
# -- environment for api pods
environment: "dev"
# -- gateway configuration for channel subscription gateway
enabled: false
interval: 60 # interval in seconds
# -- number of api pods to run
replicaCount: 1
# -- api image settings
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# defaults to appVersion
tag: ""
# -- api image pull secrets
- name: intellecteu-gitlab-access
# -- extra env variables for api pods
extraEnv: {}
# -- labels for api pods
labels: {}
# -- api service port and name
port: 8080
portName: http
# -- annotations for api pods
podAnnotations: {}
# -- Automount API credentials for a Service Account.
automountServiceAccountToken: true
# -- securtiry context on a pod level
# runAsNonRoot: true
# runAsUser: 4444
# runAsGroup: 5555
# fsGroup: 4444
# -- security context on a container level
securityContext: {}
# Define update strategy for API pods
updateStrategy: {}
# type: RollingUpdate
# rollingUpdate:
# maxUnavailable: 0
# maxSurge: 1
# -- CPU and Memory requests and limits
resources: {}
# requests:
# cpu: "200m"
# memory: "900Mi"
# limits:
# cpu: "500m"
# memory: "1000Mi"
# -- Specify Node Labels to place api pods on
nodeSelector: {}
# --
tolerations: []
# --
affinity: {}
# -- keycloak client secret is used to get token from keycloak
# -- Can be fetched from ExternalSecret or provided directly in the 'secret' field
secret: "" # Keycloak client secret
enabled: false # If enabled, will be used instead of 'secret' field
remoteSecretRef: "" # Name of the external secret
name: "" # SecretStore Name
kind: "SecretStore" # Type of SecretStore ("SecretStore" or "ClusterSecretStore")
## Readiness and Liveness probes for API component
## Ref:
# -- Enable Kubernetes Liveness and Readiness probes
enabled: true
# -- Liveness probe for API container
# -- Number of seconds after the container has started before probe is initiated
initialDelaySeconds: 90
# -- How often (in seconds) to perform the probe
periodSeconds: 10
# -- Number of seconds after which the probe times out
timeoutSeconds: 3
# -- Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# -- Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded
failureThreshold: 3
# -- Readiness probe for API container
# -- Number of seconds after the container has started before probe is initiated
initialDelaySeconds: 60
# -- How often (in seconds) to perform the probe
periodSeconds: 10
# -- Number of seconds after which the probe times out
timeoutSeconds: 10
# -- Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# -- Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded
failureThreshold: 5
# -- License Key for canton console
licenseKey: ""
# -- Auth providers configuration for ledger
enabled: false
domain: ""
apiIdentifier: ""
clientId: ""
clientSecret: ""
# UI component values
# -- gateway configuration for channel subscription gateway
enabled: false
interval: 60 # interval in seconds
# -- ui autoscaling settings
enabled: false
minReplicas: 1
maxReplicas: 5
targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80
# targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage: 80
# -- number of ui pods to run
replicaCount: 1
# -- api image settings
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# defaults to appVersion
tag: ""
# -- api image pull secrets
- name: intellecteu-gitlab-access
# -- extra env variables for ui pods
extraEnv: {}
# -- labels for ui pods
labels: {}
# -- api service port and name
port: 80
portName: http
# -- annotations for api pods
podAnnotations: {}
# -- Automount API credentials for a Service Account.
automountServiceAccountToken: true
# -- securtiry context on a pod level
# runAsNonRoot: true
# runAsUser: 4444
# runAsGroup: 5555
# fsGroup: 4444
# -- security context on a container level
securityContext: {}
# Define update strategy for UI pods
updateStrategy: {}
# -- CPU and Memory requests and limits
resources: {}
# requests:
# cpu: "100m"
# memory: "50Mi"
# limits:
# cpu: "200m"
# memory: "200Mi"
# -- Specify Node Labels to place api pods on
nodeSelector: {}
# --
tolerations: []
# --
affinity: {}
# -- metrics server and Prometheus Operator configuration
# -- keycloak client secret is used to get token from keycloak (set in env-specific values)
id: ""
# -- Ingress for any ingress controller.
# -- #Currently supported: [traefik, traefikCRD]
name: traefikCRD
ingressClass: ""
enabled: false
name: default
# -- specify whether to create Ingres resources for API and UI
enabled: false
enabled: false
# -- Certificate and Issuer will be created with Cert-Manager. Names will be autogenerated.
# if `certManager.enabled` `ingressConfig.tls.secretName` will be ignored
enabled: false
email: ""
server: ""
# -- secret name with own tls certificate to use with ingress
secretName: ""
# -- Whether to parse and send logs to centralised storage
# FluentD Output Configuration. Fluentd aggregates and parses logs
# FluentD is a part of Logging Operator. CRs `Output` and `Flow`s will be created
# Configuration specific to ElasticSearch logging
enabled: false
# -- The hostname of your Elasticsearch node
host: ""
# -- The port number of your Elasticsearch node
port: 443
# -- The index name to write events
index_name: ""
# -- Data stream configuration
enabled: false
name: ""
data_stream_template_name: ""
# -- The login username to connect to the Elasticsearch node
user: ""
# -- Specify secure password with Kubernetes secret
create: false
password: ""
annotations: {}
# Buffer configuration for handling logs
chunk_limit_size: 4M
total_limit_size: 512MB
flush_mode: interval
flush_interval: 10s
flush_thread_count: 2
overflow_action: block
# Configuration specific to Loki logging
enabled: false
# URL of the Loki instance to send logs to
url: ""
# Labels to attach to log streams sent to Loki
# Format: label_name: log_field_name
labels: {}
# Format to use when flattening the record to a log line: key_value, json
line_format: ""
# Buffer configuration for handling logs
chunk_limit_size: 4m
timekey: 1m
timekey_wait: 30s
timekey_use_utc: true
# Configuration specific to logging
enabled: false
# endpoint configuration
url: ""
port: 8071
# secret configuration
create: false
token: ""
annotations: {}
# Include tags in the log output
output_include_tags: true
# Include timestamp in the log output
output_include_time: true
# Buffer configuration for handling logs
type: file
flush_mode: interval
flush_thread_count: 4
flush_interval: 5s
chunk_limit_size: 16m
queue_limit_length: 4096
# -- Enable integration with a prometheus-operator. The module fetches metrics from the canton nodes in the system.
# Prometheus operator and grafana need to be installed beforehand
enabled: false
# -- Configuration for ServiceMonitor resource
# -- How often to pull metrics from resources
interval: 30s
# -- Configuration for prometheusRules resource
enabled: false
# Additional prometheusRules labels
labels: {}
enabled: false
# -- grafana default admin username and email. Grafana is authenticated through default API authentication automatically.
# -- grafana normal URL
url: ""
user: admin
# -- grafana default path to dashboard
clusterDashboard: ""
# -- grafana service and port for ingress
name: grafana
namespace: monitoring
port: 80
Install the Catalyst Blockchain Manager Canton service
Use the following command:
helm upgrade --install ${canton_release_name} catbp/canton-console --values values.yaml -n ${ns_name}
${fcanton_release_name} _
— name of the Catalyst Blockchain Manager Canton service release. You can choose any name/alias. It is used to address for updating, deleting the Helm chart. *catbp/canton-console_
— chart name, where “catbp” is a repository name, “canton-console” is the chart name. -
— a values file. -
— name of the namespace you’ve created before
You can check the status of the installation by using these commands:
helm ls
— check the "status" field of the installed chart.
Status “deployed” should be shown. |
kubectl get pods
— get the status of applications separately.
All pods statuses must be “running.” |
kubectl describe pod $pod_name
— get detailed information about pods.