My Collection
In My Collection tab, DAR packages and UI packages can be uploaded to the console. These can then be uploaded to participants or deployed as applications respectively.
DAR Collections
When a Daml project is compiled, the compiler produces a Daml archive. These are platform-independent packages of compiled Daml code that can be uploaded to a Daml ledger or imported in other Daml projects. Daml archives have a .dar file ending.
These files can be both uploaded from the computer’s archive of the user interacting with the Catalyst Blockchain Manager console, or from the Canton Package Manager (CPM). To read how to interact with CPM please check the Canton Pakage Manager section of this guide. |
UI Collections
The UI Collections feature of Catalyst allows you to provide a frontend for your app by publishing files to be exposed by HTTPS over a ledger-specific subdomain.
UI Collections must be uploaded to the console and deployed in the form of .zip files. The .zip should contain a single root directory and the contents of that directory should contain an index.html, along with the rest of the resources for your UI. |
To upload a UI file, go to the Collections tab and click on the “Upload UI File” button to open a side window.
Catalyst Package Manager
Catalyst Blockchain Manager enables its users to interact with the CPM registry with the goal of publishing and downloading apps.
To read more about the Catalyst Package Manager please check its official docs. |
List published apps
By navigating to the Catalyst Package Manager tab, users can see a list of applications published by App Builders.
Usign the top menu users can search by the App name, and filter by Publisher and Auditor.
Download an app
To donwload an APP, a user must have permissions. These permissions must to be granted by the App Builder in order to provide a certan participant with access.
If the user has access to an app, they can directly download it by clickibg on Download.
Once downloaded, the App is going to be added to "My collection" section.
This action can take up to a few minutes. |
In case a user has no permissions to download an app, they can request it by clicking on the Request App button.
This request has to be reviewd by the App Builder, that will grant access or simply reject the request. Only when permissioned, users can download an App. |
Publish an APP
A Participant might want to publish an APP on the CPM Registry. It can by done by clicking on the "Publish" icon of the app.
Once at the Publish screen teh user must provide the following information:
App name
Checksum (String). * A brief description of the App * An Artifactory Link
Only the apps that were uploaded can be published to the CPM through Catalyst Blockchain Manager. |