Choose a Consensus Protocol

IBFT2 vs. QBFT vs. Clique: How do I know which consensus protocol to choose for my Hyperledger Besu application?

Catalyst Blockchain Manager supports the permissioned version of Hyperledger Besu. We can employ three different Proof of Authority consensus protocols, IBFT2, QBFT, or Clique. Each of these protocols has its own specific characteristics and requirements, making it better suited to certain use cases, and less appropriate for others. The best choice is determined by the specifics of the use case.

What are consensus protocols?

Consensus protocols are the programmatic process by which blockchain networks come to agreement on their ledger state. In other words, consensus protocols govern the process of determining which data or transaction is valid and should be added to the shared ledger, and which should be rejected.

What is a Proof of Authority (PoA) consensus mechanism?

Proof-of-Authority (PoA) is a modern collection of consensus algorithms developed for blockchain to ensure specific performance improvements over classical Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT). PoA consensus protocols are effective when participants are known to each other and there is inter-party trust.

In PoA consensus algorithms, the focus is placed on the identity and reputation of decision makers, rather than on these nodes staking coins or proving work. Certain nodes or participants are selected from trusted members of the network and are designated as validators (either by participants raising this question to a vote or via smart contracts). This means that PoA-based networks inherently require certain highly-trusted participants to operate.

Validators must collectively reach agreement on data, staking their identity in the voting process. This makes it appropriate for permissioned consortium networks. There is, of course, a degree of fault tolerance: consensus can still be reached despite a proportion of disagreement (or even bad actors) existing within the network.

What are the differences between IBFT2, QBFT, and Clique?

Catalyst supports Hyperledger Besu implementations using three distinct consensus protocols: IBFT, QBFT, and Clique.

Consensus Protocol

N. Validators Required

Chain can fork?

Fault Tolerance













IBFT 2.0 (Istanbul Byzantine Fault Tolerance 2.0): A second generation expression of IBFT, developed to achieve further improvements over PBFT, making it more effective for use in large scale blockchain networks.

QBFT (Quorum Byzantine Fault Tolerance): An enterprise-grade evolution of IBFT developed by ConsenSys and designed to be more suited to the scalability and processing requirements of enterprise networks. Among the improvements, QBFT incorporates a more efficient leader election process and reduces the number of communication rounds required to achieve agreement among nodes. It is, however, a more complex undertaking and certain organizations might prefer IBFT, as the simpler alternative.

Clique: Developed to approximate the Ethereum mainnet for use in test environments, Clique employs the existing Ethereum block data structure while adding voting functionality. Clique employs forking, but is faster than the other options and requires only a single validator. It is not suitable for in-production networks.

How do you know which consensus protocol to select for your blockchain project?

The most important considerations are the needs of the use case. Does it require immediate transaction finality? How many participants will be involved in the network and how likely are they to be available to handle voting requirements?


QBFT and IBFT 2.0 for example, have immediate finality: there are no forks and all valid blocks are included in the main chain.

Clique does not have immediate finality. Implementations using Clique will experience forks and chain reorganizations.

Liveness / Minimum number of validators

To be Byzantine fault tolerant, QBFT and IBFT 2.0 require a minimum of four validators.

Clique, on the other hand, can operate with a single validator, though operating with a single validator offers no redundancy if the validator fails. Clique is also faster than the other two consensus protocols.

Comparison Summary

Clique can fork, whereas IBFT 2.0 and QBFT operate with immediate finality

Clique requires only 1 validator, IBFT 2.0 and QBFT both require 4 validators

Clique requires ½ of the network validators to be live, IBFT 2.0 and QBFT both require ⅔

Clique has a higher transaction speed than IBFT 2.0

Questions to ask yourself when deciding on a consensus protocol.

The central question is whether or not immediate finality is required for a given blockchain project.

  • If yes, IBFT 2.0 / QBFT are necessary.

  • If not, then Clique can be used, with the advantage of allowing a single validator to enable transactions.

What are my finality requirements?

  • Does the use case require block creation to be instantly confirmed?

How many validators does my network need to have?

  • How many validators will the network start with?

  • Could validators be added to the network over time?

  • Could validators leave the network?

  • Would participants need to join the network without being validators?

What fault tolerance does my network require?

  • How many validators can the network afford to have go down?

How fast do I need to be able to create new blocks?

  • Can the network afford to slow down as validators are added?

By carefully working through these questions, it is possible to come to a confident decision about which consensus protocol to select.