Software Release Management

The release management process for Catalyst Blockchain Manager is outlined in Exhibit B of each individual agreement between the client and IntellectEU. For precise conditions, please refer to it.

Catalyst Blockchain Manager adheres to specific semantic release versioning. A version number is determined by IntellectEU prior to issuing a release. Typically, IntellectEU provides the following:

  • MAJOR versions are incremented when the update includes incompatible API changes

  • MINOR versions are incremented when the update includes added functionalities in a backward-compatible manner

  • PATCH versions are incremented when the update includes backward-compatible bug fixes

Release Management

Catalyst Blockchain Manager has distinct processes for release management: the core platform and various blockchain protocols supplied by external vendors. Understandably, the evolution of some of the components that compose Catalyst Blockchain Manager depends on the release management processes of external parties.

Our standard process of issuing of a new release entails:

  1. analysis of the features and updates to be developed;

  2. development;

  3. QA;

  4. staging;

  5. production;

  6. pushing to general availability of a new version of Catalyst Blockchain Manager.

We aim to always offer our clients a stable version of Catalyst Blockchain Manager, and this is taken into consideration through well-structured release management.

The core platform

Continuous improvement of Catalyst Blockchain Manager requires periodic updates that do not directly relate to the protocols it supports. Planned updates will be communicated to our clients in advance.

External components

Catalyst Blockchain Manager is compliant with Long Term Support (LTS) provided by external blockchain protocol vendors and suppliers. Regardless of the type of external protocol, an identical process applies.

Changes planned for the specific stream will be communicated in advance to our clients by clearly listing the features or patches that will be incorporated into the external component of Catalyst Blockchain Manager. As such, we can reasonably guarantee the continuity of Catalyst Blockchain Manager to clients’ networks and applications.

We cannot, however, be responsible for the frequency or timing of updates to protocols owned by external vendors. For more detailed information regarding any planned releases and/or updates, please contact us via the Support Desk or directly contact the external vendor.

Support and warranty guarantees

We will always support the latest version of Catalyst Blockchain Manager, as well as older MAJOR versions for up to 12 months, and older MINOR versions for up to 6 months. LTS versions will be supported for at least 2 years.

We will provide limited support for older versions of Catalyst Blockchain Manager, offering advice on issue identification and guidelines on migrating to the new version. Any migration assistance is available through our professional services team and can be paid for separately. Extended lifetime support services are also available, and the associated Support Fee and License Fee will be determined separately between the client and IntellectEU upon request.

Any maintenance releases (PATCH releases) made generally available should be installed by clients as soon as reasonably possible. Each maintenance release will be accompanied by a severity level and an advisory on when to install. Please refer to the Exibit B of your individual agreement for specific conditions.